Highly prominent, long income Autocentre Investments, Black Country, West Midlands
Available individually or as a portfolio subject to contract and exclusive of VAT;
Forge Lane, Dudley Road, Halesowen B62 8EB
Offers in excess of £965,000 (Nine Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Pounds) reflecting a net initial yield of 7.41% after allowing purchases costs of 5.74%. Capital value £52 per sq ft.
Camp Hill, Wordsley DY8 4AF
Offers in excess of £490,000 (Four Hundred and Ninety Thousand Pounds) reflecting a net initial yield of 7.02% after allowing purchasers costs of 4.66%. Capital value £78 per sq ft
March End, Wednesfield, WV11 3QZ
Offers in excess of £410,000 (Four Hundred and Ten Thousand Pounds) a net initial yield of 7.02% allowing purchases costs of 4.24%. Capital value of £76 per sq ft.